Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | sky | windowpane OCR: Tropical Trails of Ecuador BY FOOT CANDE THROUGH RAIN CLOUD FORESTS Ecuador has wonderful range of eco -zones that makes for fine explorations of the natura world our small group of nature enthusiasts first explores Mindo. Nambilla Protected Forest lcat- ed on the slopes of Pichi: incha Volcano near Quito. It eco ystem ranges from the cold paramo (high treeless plateau) to tropical jungle and harbors more than 300 resident species of birds, incl luding the brilliant Andean cock of -the -roCk flame- faced tanager toucan barbet and golden -headed quetzal Day hikes give us ampie opportuni ties to search for birds (and per- haps capture prize photo or two) observe the lush flora (beautiful orchids!) relax waterf fall -filled pools and hike 0 an extinct volcanc Tronica CANOE worid husiast Prote ...